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Message From The President

The members & committee of Margate bowling club have shown incredible resilience and determination in the face of numerous challenges. From financial struggles to unforeseen weather events, they have consistently banded together to keep their beloved club alive.

 Despite the difficulties they've encountered, the club has remained a tight-knit community, providing its members with a sense of camaraderie and purpose. They have continued to host tournaments and events, welcoming new members and fostering a love of the sport in all who come through their gates.

 Through it all, the club has persevered, a testament to the dedication and passion of its members & leadership. They have shown that even in the toughest of times, with hard work and a positive attitude, anything is possible.

 To the members & committee of Margate bowling club: you are an inspiration to us all. Thank you for your unwavering commitment to your sport and our club.




Welcome to Margate Bowling Club! We are a bowling club dedicated to promote and grow the sport of lawn bowls. Our members come from all walks of life, but we share a common love for the game.

Founded in 1938, our club has a long and proud history, and we are very proud to have had the late great Doug Watson as a former President. Today, we continue to build on that legacy, welcoming new members and embracing new challenges.

 At Margate bowling club, we strive to create a welcoming and inclusive environment, where everyone feels valued and respected. We are committed to work tirelessly to achieve this.

 Our club offers a range of memberships ie: Full Members, Dual Members, Country Members and Social Members. Whether you're a seasoned enthusiast or a complete beginner, there's a place for you at Margate Bowling Club. We pride ourselves on our friendly and supportive community, and we're always happy to help new members get started.

 If you're interested in joining our club, we invite you to open day. We look forward to welcoming you to our club and sharing our love for the sport with you.

Become A Member

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